In the continental region the weather is semi-tropical, with an average yearly temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. During the day, the climate is hot and light clothing is recommended. For trips into the jungle, you should wear pants, long-sleeved shirts, and shoes or sandals, and use insect repellent. The temperature drops at night and a light sweater or bush jacket is suggested.


Riviera Maya / Cancun Weather and Climate Information


Average High Temperature: 87°F
Average Low Temperature: 74°F
Average Morning Humidity: 86%
Average Evening Humidity: 74%
Average Wind Speed: 9 mph
Average Rainfall: 8.6 inches
Average Days of Rainfall: 8 days

The hurricane season runs September through December and the sky can change from clear to overcast in minutes. The ocean water is warmest in August-September and starts to cool down in November.

Local Time

The local time corresponds to Mexico City GMT - 6 hours.

UTC/GMT Offset

Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -6 hours
Daylight saving time: +1 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -5 hours
Time zone abbreviation: CDT - Central Daylight Time

Riviera Maya Population

125,000 residents.


Spanish is the official language, but English is also spoken inside the resort.

United States of America Consulate

Calling from USA: 011 52 998 883 0272
Calling within Mexico: 998 883 0272


As of August 2014, the approximate exchange rate is 13 Mexican Pesos to $1 U.S. Dollar.

Money Exchange / Cashier's Check

You may exchange US dollars at the Resort. However we suggest that you exchange your money before your departure to get the best exchange rate. We also recommend bringing Cashier's Checks for those that would like to bring a large sum of money.


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